World Wide PK

Study In Canada

Quality Education

Canada’s education system is outstanding and ranks among the best in the world. Canadians place great importance on learning, and have developed a first-rateeducation system with high standards. Canada offers internationally recognized degrees and boasts a wide range of quality educational institutions for both diplomas and degrees in technical as well as professional disciplines. 


Canadian tuition fees are among the lowest in English-speaking countries . For instance, in a 2003 survey compiled by the Association of Commonwealth Universities, Canada offered the lowest tuition rates for foreign students compared to the U.K., Australia and New Zealand. And, fees in the U.S. public universities were almost 30% higher than fees for Bachelor’s degrees in Canada, while U.S. private university fees were more than double. Canada’s low cost of living and the overall financial advantage becomes even greater for international students. 

High Standard of Living

Canada continues to be ranked as one of the United Nation’s top countries for high standards of living and education. Given the recent events that happened during the G20 summit, Canada’s outstanding reputation has been tarnished but the facts are still intact, therefore Canada is still considered to be one of the best Western countries to reside in.

One of the Best Places in the World to Live

Canada has ranked as one of the top ten places to live in the world since 1994 according to the United Nations (UN) and the Economist Intelligence Unit.  In the UN survey Canada earned particularly high marks for its access to education, high life expectancy (due to universal health care system); and low crime and violence rates. In addition, Canada’s largest cities, Vancouver, Toronto and Montreal,  have been recognized as world class cities in which to live and work, for their cleanliness and safety and for their cultural activities and attractive lifestyles and plenty of employment opportunities for professionals as well as fresh graduates. 

Beautiful Environment

Students who come to Canada will witness one of the most beautiful, natural environments in the world. Canada is also a country of diverse geography, and there is much to experience in its great outdoors: from the lush coastline of British Columbia, the majestic Rocky Mountains of Alberta, the big skies of the prairies, to the ‘maple sugar country’ in the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence and the rugged hills and pleasing coastline of the Atlantic Provinces. 

A High-Tech country

Canada is a stimulating environment in which to do business and to learn, thanks to the contributions of many bright and talented scientists, researchers and entrepreneurs. The country is an international leader in computer and information technologies and has a reputation for excellence in such sectors as telecommunications, transportation and engineering; and specifically, aerospace, urban transport, microelectronics, medical devices, advanced software, hydroelectric and nuclear power, lasers and optical electronics, biotechnology, food and beverage processing, geometrics; and ocean and environmental industries. Canada’s highly sophisticated broadcasting system includes more than 1,900 AM and FM radio stations and some 1387 television stations to serve, entertain and educate the listening and viewing audience. 

A safe place to study

Canada is considered to be a rather peaceful, safe and an orderly country. Its violent crime rate decreased for ten consecutive years from 1993 to 2003. Unlike its US neighbors to the south, firearms are strictly controlled and generally are not permitted to the general public.
International students who come to Canada should follow the same common sense safety precautions as they would anywhere in the world. Students can contact any Canadian Education Centre to learn more about personal safety, or attend a safety orientation session at their school upon their arrival in Canada.

A bilingual nation

Canada is a bilingual country with two official languages, English and French. The vast majority (75 per cent) of Canada’s French-speaking inhabitants lives in the province of Québec, which is located in the eastern part of the country but there are French-speaking communities throughout the country. 

Work during and after and co-op program

Students in Canada are allowed to work part time on campus during the first 6 months of their program and off campus part time thereafter. The duration permitted is up to 20 hours per week. Several programs may even have a paid Co-Op term where one gets hands on experience in working in the industry. These may even be paid Co-Ops. Further, international students on the completion of their program can work up to 3 years depending on the length of their study programs.

Work Permit after completion of Study

Canada is encouraging International Students to stay back after their studies and start their work experience. The new Work Permit Program states that International students who have studied for 2 years can obtain an Open Work Permit with no restrictions on the type of employment and no requirements of a Job offer for 3 years. Students who study a one year program are eligible for a one year Work Permit after successfully completing their course. 


Canada is considered a peaceful, safe, and orderly country. Its violent crime rate decreased for 10 consecutive years from 1993 to 2003. Firearms are strictly controlled, which has resulted in lesser street crimes. Canadians enjoy a standard of living which is among the highest in the world. Where better to start a family? Canada is the place to be. 


Cost Of Living

Many people find the cost of living in Canada is significantly lower than their home country, but of course this is not the case for all international students (e.g. students from Pakistan, India or Nepal). Canadian housing is generally inexpensive compared with other well developed nations. Other costs are comparable or a little less expensive than other industrialized nations, with the exception of car insurance, which can be quite expensive in Canada. Citizenship and Immigration Canada estimates that international students require approximately $10,000 CAD per year, not including tuition fees; this is just to cover living expenses throughout the year. 
Not be troubled by this fact, you can always find something to “fit the budget”.  Alternatively, students prefer shared living and expenses. Shared expenses could include utility bills or car pooling. Everyone finds a way to make a good living and have their share of expenses taken care of.

An utmost consideration for a family to send their child out for higher studies is Safety. Keeping this in mind, WorldwidePK has collaborated with more than 300 educational institutions that are placed in the safest countries of the world (as proclaimed by UNESCO). These are Canada, the US, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, Switzerland, Singapore, Dubai, Ireland, and Malaysia to brief a few. A safe environment during study helps the student to continue a stress-free education while enjoying a foreign life.

Once, a student is through with their studies abroad, WorldwidePK moves a step ahead in giving them the right career counseling for jobs in their host country. Many fraudulent agents around the world lure students with false promises. Some innocent children without any professional guidance sometimes get duped easily by these fake people. These jobs help students to work for unscrupulous employers for long periods without pay against the local law. Our expert career counselors, help these youngsters by giving the right advice on all career opportunities available during and after the study. We hope these stepladders will help you make up your mind to choose WorldwidePK as a catalyst for your dreams of a bright future. Register with us to get free education counseling from our expert counselors.

WorldwidePK even provides students with comprehensive travel information that helps in curbing the cost of the overall study abroad package. With the huge fluctuation in airfare because of the invasive competition between aircraft carriers in the global market these days, flying in a suitable airline needs a careful attempt. The budget for staying abroad can be calibrated by choosing the correct airline. Also, the usage of public transport in the host country can be used often to maintain an economical stay. Such tips like student pass, or the cheapest mode of communication, are informed to the students in advance for a comfortable stay.

Choosing the form of accommodation abroad can be a very challenging task, especially when one wants to stay in quality yet affordable accommodation. Each country offers innumerable options that support the budget of a student. However, choosing the accommodation that has the best access to transport and job location is essential as this can greatly affect the spending quota by as much as 20%. Surprisingly, these savings can be treated as a ‘mini scholarship’. Our accommodation advisors furnish you with sufficient information about suitable accommodation and also help you by giving senior contacts who were sent in previous intakes by WorldwidePK to study abroad.

Owing to the ongoing threats in the world at large, many countries change their Visa processes regularly. At times, students being oblivious to such changes end up getting rejected for Visa approvals. Our Global Opportunities team of ex–visa officials possessing the necessary knowledge and experience, supervise the students through the whole cumbersome Visa process to make it easy and viable. Not only that, but WorldwidePK has also gained trust with the education consultants at the embassies and high commissions around the world. In a way, our reputation regularises the visa-taking process for a student heading for their dream study destination.

As we all know the cost of the course plays a vital role in deciding on accepting the University by a student. There are high chances of students not going for higher education due to financial issues. Therefore, the right guidance and expert advice help in clearing doubts to a major extent. WorldwidePK with its financial advisors on board is highly qualified in handling such matters. Through information on scholarships and financial assistance offered by some Private and Government firms, they quickly solve the problems of the students.

Today is a time of Information. Students when applying for admissions get a lot of information that may or may not serve their purpose. Every institution follows its own admission criteria and a student applying for as many universities as to be secured gets easily confused with the process. In this state of chaos, it becomes difficult to come to a conclusion. WorldwidePK then steps in and makes the decision taken swiftly for the children. Our high acceptance rate has made WorldwidePK, Pakistan's leading education consultant.

The first step in ascending the ladder of success through a higher foreign degree is to choose the right subject of interest. It not only gives a direction toward a career but also helps in providing the required exposure to the student. Education experts at WorldwidePK identify the career goals and relate them to the academic background of the student and counsel them to find the most suitable course available. Our counselors along with the International Universities have restructured the course list to update the students with the latest information. The list can be taken from our nearest offices apart from free education counseling.

The next important factor that partakes in one’s decision to go to a foreign land for further studies is the Land itself! Children get confused in choosing a country owing to their (especially families) concerns over their safety, likeness, adjustment, and well-being. We at WorldwidePK ease their tensions regarding this by counseling on the Course intended, scholarship opportunities, Visa availability, and many such aspects. Through in-person counseling and virtual information communication, we help the students in zeroing it down to their favorite destination of convenience.

The thought of leaving home and staying in a foreign land sometimes becomes a nightmare for students and demotivates them to go for higher studies. Compromising their dreams, they settle for usual choices. Many times they get burdened with plausible questions like: – Is studying abroad really helpful? Where can I study? What are all the documents required for the admission and visa process? Will I be eligible for a scholarship? What are the visa formalities? Where will I stay during the course? And most importantly, which course will provide long-term returns and a rewarding international career? WorldwidePK very well understand the anxieties of the students and guides them through the process. We provide free counseling, visa assistance; interview preparation; pre-departure counseling, and other services to ensure that a scholar becomes a successful global graduate. Considering the area of interest, language proficiency, academic background, co-scholastic accomplishments, and many more such aspects, we help in making a student’s profile through their application that has the maximum chance of acceptance. We already are the possessor of a glorious past of sending more than 40 thousand students abroad and you could be the next!

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